Latest LP “City of Love” available now!
Kerry Pastine has spent her life bringing her own brand of classic sounds, styles and fashion to her songwriting and live performances. From the big band jump blues of The Informants, to the edgy rockabilly blues of the first two Crime Scene records Let's Do This Thing and Bad Magic Baby, Kerry has redefined what vintage music means in the new millennium. Through years of experience, Kerry found a unique voice and with that evolution, she challenged herself to write and record an album that captures the essence of evolution, change and growth, from both within and without.
That record is called City of Love and it is the result of Kerry observing the current state of the world, where she is in her personal journey and surrounding herself with the musicians that share her sense of adventure and lust for life. Explore the City of Love with Kerry Pastine and the Crime Scene.
PRESS & Awards
2019 Colorado Blues Society Member’s Choice Award Winner:
Band of the Year
Best Recording "City of Love"
Best Female Vocalist
Best Songwriter
Best Live Moment "City of Love" CD Release Party
"[Kerry] Pastine rates as one of the best vocalists today, regardless of genre or gender, and her commanding presence throughout album’s title track [‘City of Love'] elevates a stylish yet spartan outing to the level of musical art. It’s my belief that Denver, Colorado could never hold her for long but the Mile High City’s loss is the world’s gain."
— Mark Druery Indie Shark Pick of the Week December 9, 2019
"In an era when modern music is scientifically proven to cover narrower and narrower ground than ever, we need singers and players like Kerry Pastine and the Crime Scene to remind us of what music can do. 'City of Love' does a fantastic job helping us to recall music’s unique power to transform and elevate the human spirit."
— Kim Muncie NewFutur Magazine
"In their latest release ['City of Love'], we hear a variation of their sound that seems almost untethered to the stylistic parameters it was once beholden to in the past. This isn’t to say that they’ve abandoned their signature style; if anything, this is an evolved group that has slashed all of the fat from their music, leaving nothing but sonic muscularity of the most sterling strain behind for us to consume. Kerry Pastine & The Crime Scene are poised to keep this momentum going into 2020."
— Nicole Killian Mob York City
"The latest offering from these purveyors of classic rock and roll, 'City of Love,' is quite possibly their best long player to date. The melting pot of styles knows no limits; from garage to rock to R&B to jazz to surf, Pastine and company know no borders and blend it down to produce their own unique and personal sound." — Tom Hilton Aldora Britain Records (PDF)
"Kerry Pastine and the Crime Scene’s 'City of Love' is a rambunctious and rollicking musical ride courtesy of the most talented music unit to emerge in recent memory from the Denver, Colorado musical scene. “City of Love” represents a turning point of sorts for this Denver band – they are elevating their game and you can expect anyone lucky enough to encounter their music will follow them from that moment onward." — Jodi Marxbury Daily Pop News
"[Kerry Pastine and the Crime Scene has] got a sound that is all their own, and if this latest release [‘City of Love’] manages to get just a sliver more attention than their first couple of albums did, I think that they’ll have a good shot at attaining some of the fame and fortune that has eluded their Rocky Mountain rivals." — Mindy McCall Indie Pulse Music
"'City of Love' introduces listeners to Pastine and the Crime Scene’s latest musical opus with the right balance of elements working in its favor and there’s never any sense at all of the band’s creative train running out of track. They sound as fresh and invigorated as they did when they first formed and the album promises to be their best yet." — Bethany Page Vents Magazine
"Even though I haven’t seen [Kerry Pastine and the Crime Scene] live, I don’t think I would have to in order to understand how powerful an act they are – they give us the whole nine yards in “City of Love,” which is difficult for any artist or band to accomplish inside of a studio’s four walls." — Garth Thomas Hollywood Digest
"[Kerry Pastine and the Crime Scene have] created an indisputable winner with this cut ["City of Love"] – it references [their] influences without ever seeming slavish and possesses outstanding production strengths helping everything stand out even better." — Loren Sperry Music Existence
You're Invited to Kerry Pastine's Fall 2022 Art Party! - https://t.co/ZNDzQCA8ju https://t.co/r3m1Ks5kqI
It's a Crime Scene Xmas 2021 - In Person! - https://t.co/Fee1izmGzp https://t.co/CcP462HuU8
Just posted a photo https://t.co/UZuyahDru8
City of Love
Released September 13, 2019
Kerry Pastine and the Crime Scene
Kerry Pastine and the Crime Scene
Kerry Pastine and the Crime Scene
Kerry Pastine and the Crime Scene
Kerry Pastine and the Crime Scene
Kerry Pastine and the Crime Scene
Kerry Pastine and the Crime Scene
Kerry Pastine and the Crime Scene
Kerry Pastine and the Crime Scene
Kerry Pastine and the Crime Scene
Kerry Pastine and the Crime Scene
Kerry Pastine and the Crime Scene